Planning Application Details

London Borough of Bromley - 21/01349/ADJ

21/01349/ADJ | Adjoining Authority Consultation

Fort Halstead Crow Drive Halstead Sevenoaks Kent TN14 7BU Sevenoaks District Council

Hybrid application comprising, in outline: development of business space (use classes B1a/b/c) of up to 27,773 sqm GEA; works within the X enclave relating to energetic testing operations, including fencing, access, car parking; development of up to 635 residential dwellings; development of a mixed use village centre (use classes A1/A3/A4/A5/B1a/D1/D2); land safeguarded for a primary school; change of use of Fort Area and bunkers to Historic Interpretation Centre (use class D1) with workshop space and; associated landscaping, works and infrastructure. In detail: demolition of existing buildings; change of use and works including extension and associated alterations to buildings Q13 and Q14 including landscaping and public realm, and primary and secondary accesses to the site. (CONSULTATION BY LONDON BOROUGH OF SEVENOAKS)

Local Authority
London Borough of Bromley
Other (Adjoining Authority Consultation)
(Raise Objections)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Fence
