Planning Application Details

London Borough of Bromley - 23/03486/TPO

23/03486/TPO | Tree Preservation Order Consent Element

Farringleys Westerham Road Keston BR2 6HB

T1 Twin stemmed Maple - Fell to ground level. T2 Dead Sycamore - Fell as close to ground level as possible. T3 Oak - Reduce crown over stables by 2-3m to reduce overhang. T4 Beech in horse field - Fell due to hollow trunk . T5 Lime - Reshape, reducing targeted branches by 2-3m to rebalance crown and remove all deadwood. T6 Sycamore sapling - Reduce to 2-3m in height due to Squirrel damage . T7 Mixed (BT Line) - Clear BT line on both sides of front driveway, using MEWP. Reduce Ivy covered dying stem to a safe height. SUBJECT TO TPO BB & OUDC 1 (27.10.1952)

Local Authority
London Borough of Bromley
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Tree Preservation Order Consent Element)
Approved (Consent (Only for Tree Works / Haz Subs))
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Stable
