Planning Application Details

London Borough of Bromley - 23/03592/TREE

23/03592/TREE | Trees in Conservation Areas

34 Heathfield Road Keston BR2 6BE

T1 & T2 Neighbouring Lime trees on right hand boundary of garage - Cut back all vegetation overhanging the garage back to boundary, including re-shaping of 1 small Holly tree. H1 Mixed hedge on front boundary - Trim back the height and both sides of previous seasons re-growth to create a tight and compact hedge, including re-growth on the left hand boundary hedge, client's side only. T3 & T4 Plum on rear right hand boundary - Reduce the height and radial spread of the canopy by up to 2.5m, shape accordingly and remove major deadwood. Crown lift to approximately 2m above ground level. T6 Multi-stemmed Holly on rear left hand boundary - Reduce the overall height by up to 3m and trim and shape the remaining canopy to create a more compact and balanced form. T8 Pear adjacent to the rear decking area - Reduce the height and radial spread of the canopy by up to 1.5m, maintaining a natural shape and remove major deadwood. T9 Oak adjacent to the rear decking area - Reduce the height and radial spread of the canopy by up to 1m, maintaining a natural shape and remove major deadwood. T10 Ash on rear boundary - Remove a selection of small lower laterals on lowest limb extending towards out building along with deadwood.

Local Authority
London Borough of Bromley
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Trees in Conservation Areas)
Approved (Decision - No Objection)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Garage Boundary
