Planning Application Details

London Borough of Bromley - 23/04339/TREE

23/04339/TREE | Trees in Conservation Areas

Flat 3 71 Crystal Palace Park Road Sydenham London SE26 6UT

T1 Lime on front boundary - Reduce the overall height by 1m to below previous reduction points (approximately 5m in overall height) and all side (radial) laterals back to original pollard points, maintaining where possible a natural shape. Remove major deadwood, trunk growth and cut back secondary growth touching the building back to main scaffolds where possible. T2 Pittosporum Tenuifolium on front boundary - Reduce the overall height and radial spread of the canopy by up to 3m, cutting back to appropriate growing points where possible. Crown lift the lower canopy to approximately 2m above ground level overhanging the public pathway.

Local Authority
London Borough of Bromley
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Trees in Conservation Areas)
Approved (Decision - No Objection)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary
