Planning Application Details

London Borough of Kingston upon Thames - 20/02191/NMA

20/02191/NMA | Non-Material Amendment

Kingstons House 15 Coombe Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7AB

Application for a non-material amendment of Planning Permission ref: 19/01813/FUL (Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Drawings) and Condition 2 (Facing Materials) of Planning Permission 15/12978/FUL (Demolition of existing office and ancillary building. Erection of part 3 part 6 storey building for 2,478sqm floorspace for a two form entry primary school for a maximum of 420 pupils including provision of double basement for double height sports hall and provision of a raised play deck; and 19 flats (5 no. 1 bedroom flats; 10 no. 2 bedroom units; 4 no. 3 bedroom units). Provision of up to 94 cycle stands. To amend drawings to allow for elevational treatment changes, and internal layout changes) dated 11/10/2019. Amendments to internal layout of the development and revised elevational treatments.

Local Authority
London Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment)
Approved (Application Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Development Flat Office
