Planning Application Details

London Borough of Kingston upon Thames - 22/02102/NMA

22/02102/NMA | Non-Material Amendment

Signal Park Development Land And Site At 1 Hook Rise South Surbiton KT6 7QS

Non-Material Amendment to Planning Permission ref: 16/10482/FUL (Part detailed/ part outline application for a total of 950 residential dwellings and other uses comprising: 1) Detailed: Erection of 211 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated ground floor uses including Class D1 (Nursery) and Community Uses; (Class A1/A3) Restaurant/Café and 60 car parking spaces, bus layover and driver facilities; landscaping and ancillary works; 2) Outline: Erection of 739 residential units (Use Class C3) with associated other ground floor uses (Class D1) Doctor Surgery; (Class A1) Retail; Cycle Hub and 328 car parking spaces. All matters reserved for the outline phase except access). Amendment to wording of condition 103 Highway Works

Local Authority
London Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment)
Approved (Application Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Amendment Dwelling Landscaping Residential Shop
