Planning Application Details

London Borough of Kingston upon Thames - 22/03708/FUL

22/03708/FUL | Full Application

Tolworth Tower Tolworth Broadway Kingston Upon Thames Tolworth KT6 7EL

Redevelopment of the site to create 492 new dwellings. Redevelopment and refurbishment of the Tolworth Tower complex comprising the change of use of the existing 3rd to 22nd floors in Tolworth Tower from office (Use Class E) to residential (Use Class C3), change of use of the existing 2nd floor from office (Use Class E) to ancillary amenity space (Use Class C3), change of use of part of the existing 1st floor car park to create a flexible workspace unit (Dual Use Class C3/E) and provision of 3 no. freestanding retail kiosks (Use Class E), with associated external façade alterations and internal refurbishment works. Demolition of the existing retail units fronting Tolworth Broadway and the construction of two new buildings comprising residential units (Use Class C3), ground and first floor commercial space (Use Class E) and public plaza. Reconfiguration of the existing multi-storey car park, vehicle parking and servicing, along with the provision of associated cycle parking, refuse storage, amenity floorspace, landscaping and public realm works (existing M&S, Travelodge and RBK Council Car Park are retained and excluded from the proposals).

Local Authority
London Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Full planning consent (Full Application)
Refused (Refuse)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Demolition Construction Dwelling Landscaping Residential Office Shop
