Planning Application Details

Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils - 23/501679/FULL

90 Sandling Lane Penenden Heath Maidstone Kent ME14 2EA

Section 73 - Application for Minor Material Amendment to approved plans condition 2 (to adjust the size of both the approved extension and the first floor dormer window, including the position of external doors & windows.) pursuant to 21/502756/FULL for - Demolition of garage and conservatory. Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extension, including the creation of first floor with alterations to roof, including the insertion of 3no. front rooflights and rear dormer.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Full planning consent (Full)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Amendment Roof Windows Conservatory Dormer Garage
