Planning Application Details

North Norfolk District Council - CD/23/2235

CD/23/2235 | Discharge of Condition

Land Off Beresford Road Holt Norfolk NR25 6EW

Discharge of condition 10 (Signage) of planning application PO/18/1857 (Appeal ref - APP/Y2620/W/20/3248468) (Outline planning application for the erection of up to 110 dwellings with associated infrastructure to service 2 hectares of land potentially for a new Two Form Entry (2FE) primary school, public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) with main vehicular access point from Beresford Road and secondary pedestrian, cycle and emergency access from Lodge Close. All matters reserved except for means of access)

Local Authority
North Norfolk District Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge of Condition)
(Condition Discharge Reply)
Application Received
Erection Dwelling Landscaping Discharge
