Planning Application Details

Northumberland County Council - 23/01705/VARYCO

23/01705/VARYCO | Variation of Planning Condition

Land North Of Humbleton Farm Humbleton Village Road Wooler Northumberland NE71 6SU

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and 5 (surface water drainage) on approved application 20/01346/VARYCO (amends to dwelling approved under 18/04095/FUL) in order to move the dwelling 2.7 metres due south within the plot, ridge height amended to 600mm to mitigate a clash between the engineering of the roof fixings and steel lintels. Large store room required fire escape, switched the plant room and store room around, store room is on the north side allowing for a fire escape window to be integrated. The basement courtyard stair layout has been amended to allow for easier access from both sides of the dwelling. The utility window has been altered to allow for fire escape. Window 22 (non corner window in the Master bedroom) has been altered to incorporate a fire escape. Window 18 (corner window in bedrooom 3) has been altered to include fire escape. Drainage plan has been amended to include a sewage treatment plant and large attenuation tank.

Local Authority
Northumberland County Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of Planning Condition)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Roof Dwelling Windows
