Planning Application Details

Norwich City Council - 22/00570/F

22/00570/F | Full

Teaching Wall Norfolk Road University Of East Anglia Norwich

Refurbishment and repair of Building 3 for highly specialised scientific research, engineering and general teaching facilities (Class F1(a)) comprising installation of thermally efficient double glazed window system, internal alterations, construction of two full height extensions to the north facade of Building 3 connected by bridging links, extension to the arts spur, including compliant stair case and goods lift, covered walkway for goods lift, and associated infrastructure, including accessible entrance, servicing, accessible car parking, saline tank storage, installation/diversion of enabling infrastructure, reconfiguration of existing pedestrian routes, double stacked cycle storage and landscaping, incorporating sustainable urban drainage systems and any other enabling and temporary works on land to the north of the Lasdun Wall.

Local Authority
Norwich City Council
Full planning consent (Full)
Approved (Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Construction Landscaping Windows
