Planning Application Details

Peterborough City Council - 22/01165/NONMAT

22/01165/NONMAT | Non-Material Amendment

Former Mars Petcare Shrewsbury Avenue Woodston Peterborough

Non-material amendment to increase the size of the landscape bund, omission of MV switch room within production area, transformer pens revised arrangement within production area, increased size of production area canopies numbered 3 and 4 and addition of external staircase to both of these canopies, rooflight omissions on production area, omission of HV substation in eastern service yard, primary substation revised arrangement, addition of pumping station kiosk and amenity grassed area located adjacent to the gatehouse to include truck pave, pursuant to 21/01772/FUL

Local Authority
Peterborough City Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment)
Application Validated
Amendment Landscaping
