Planning Application Details

Sevenoaks District Council - 20/02692/HOUSE

20/02692/HOUSE | Householder Application

The Cottages Hanging Bank Ide Hill KENT TN14 6JE

Erection of a first floor extension on existing single storey, and two storey extension. Two storey porch to replace existing porch (west). Creation of a roof light and addition of a flat roof section to the roof. Single storey flat roof extension to existing wing to form bio-mass plat room (east). Alterations to fenestration, conversion/amalgamation of two single integral garages to habitable space. External paved terrace and pergola, remodel existing drive to improve turning space.

Local Authority
Sevenoaks District Council
Householder planning consent (Householder Application)
Refused (Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Roof Conversion Windows Remodelling
