Planning Application Details

Sheffield City Council - 23/00676/REM

23/00676/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

TERC Europa Avenue Sheffield S9 1ZA

Revisions and additional ductwork, exhausts, fume cupboard, gas storage cages and gas lines required for optimisation of the SAF research facility (Application under Section 73 to vary condition No. 1 (Approved plans) as imposed by planning permission 20/03565/REM - Application to approve details in relation to access, appearance, landscaping layout and scale - matters reserved by 15/01262/OUT for the erection of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Centre (SAF)

Local Authority
Sheffield City Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Reserved Matters Approved Conditionally)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Landscaping
