Planning Application Details

Sheffield City Council - 23/01621/FUL

23/01621/FUL | Full Planning Application

Motorgurus 268 Handsworth Road Sheffield S13 9BX

Application under Section 73 to vary condition no.2 to allow additional time limit for the erection of acoustic fence and condition no.4 to omit reference to drainage as imposed under planning application ref 22/01397/FUL allowed by appeal decision APP/J4423/W/22/3306606 - Continuation of use of land as car sales forecourt and vehicle storage area (sui generis), including retention of portable building and container (retrospective application), resurfacing works, and erection of a 2.1 metres high acoustic fence along the south-west edge of the designated storage area and car sales forecourt (Amended description)

Local Authority
Sheffield City Council
Full planning consent (Full Planning Application)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Fence Retrospective
