Planning Application Details

South Somerset District Council - 22/03169/S73A

22/03169/S73A | Section 73A determination

Land North Of Tall Elms Broadstone Lane Hardington Mandeville Yeovil Somerset

S73A application to allow for an amended internal layout for the connecting footpath within the site, and to amend the surfacing material for the driveway from resin bound gravel to compacted stone. Relating to approval 18/03891/FUL (condition 2, approved plans) as amended by 22/00946/S73 (condition 1, approved plans) for the erection of 3 dwellings and formation of a new vehicular access.

Local Authority
South Somerset District Council
Prior approval (Section 73A determination)
Approved (Application Permitted with Conditions)
Application Validated
Erection Amendment Dwelling
