Planning Application Details

Southampton City Council - 23/00181/TPO

23/00181/TPO | Tree Preservation Order

Harefield Primary School Yeovil Chase Southampton SO18 5NZ

Coppice Individual Hazel and Hazel Groups - Within the Area marked on the plan we wish to carry out the work to all hazel trees within this boundary. Coppice Selected Holly - coppice all holly under 75mm in diameter within the boundary of the site. Cut to ground level all self-sown sycamores under 60mm diameter - within the boundary of the site. Cut to ground level poplar suckers. Fell 1 dead tree. Reduce boundary hedge to fence height.

Local Authority
Southampton City Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Tree Preservation Order)
Approved (Approve with Conditions)
Application Validated
Trees Fence Boundary
