Planning Application Details

Southwark Council - 19/AP/7552

19/AP/7552 | S.73 Vary/Remove Conds/Minor Alterations

1 Bank End London Southwark SE1 9BU

Variation of Condition 1 - Approved plans of planning permission 19/AP/1649 (Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 15/AP/3066 (Redevelopment of 1 Bank End, including reuse of railway arches and rebuilding and extension of the rear of Thames House, Park Street (behind retained facade); remodelling of Wine Wharf building on Stoney Street and development of a two storey building at 16 Park Street, all to provide a development reaching a maximum height of 6 storeys (maximum building height 27.419m AOD) comprising retail units (flexible class A1 shops, A3 cafes/restaurants and A4 drinking establishments use) at ground and first floor levels, a gallery (Class D1 use) at ground floor level, office floorspace (Class B1 use) at ground up to fifth floor level, a cinema (Class D2 use) at ground floor and basement level, associated cycle parking spaces at basement, associated refuse and recycling with new public access routes and public open space' to make minor-material amendments including: Alterations to internal retail layouts dictated by an updated Fire Strategy, Alterations to the west elevation of Building 02, Alterations to the east elevation of Building 02 dictated by change of first floor use; and Alterations to elevations of Building 04.) for the following changes: 1. Part infill of arches 194/195 2. Alterations to the delivery and servicing strategy 3. Relocation of cycle parking spaces 4. Alterations to the provision of the public realm

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (S.73 Vary/Remove Conds/Minor Alterations)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Variation Development Office Shop House Remodelling
