Planning Application Details

Southwark Council - 20/AP/0693

20/AP/0693 | S.73 Vary/Remove Conds/Minor Alterations

Thistle Court 99 Lowth Road London SE5 9HQ

Variation to Condition 1, Approved Plans, pursuant to planning permission 19/AP/2123 'Addition of one and a half floors to existing 5 storey building to create an additional three bed self-contained residential unit at roof level'. The variation includes - Change of positioning for staircase access to the sixth floor - Width of the sixth floor layout increasing from approximately 7.37 metres to 12.40 metres to accommodate a lounge/conservatory space - Tables, chairs and Jacuzzi to the outdoor amenity space

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (S.73 Vary/Remove Conds/Minor Alterations)
Approved (Variation Minor Material Changes Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Roof Residential Conservatory
