Planning Application Details

Southwark Council - 20/AP/1216

20/AP/1216 | S.73 Vary/Remove Conds/Minor Alterations

Beltwood 41 Sydenham Hill London Southwark SE26 6TH

Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission LBS ref no 17/AP/3070 for the alterations to enable a change of use of Beltwood House (a Grade II Listed Building) from a Class C2 residential institution to provide 7 apartments with external works comprising demolition of the service wing outriggers and replacement with new communal entrance. Demolition of curtilage outbuildings to the east of Beltwood House ('Stables and Worker's Cottages') and replacement with 3 No. residential units. Creation of new Gate House and a detached house within the site curtilage. The proposed amendments include: - Internal alterations - Reduction in the total number of residential units from 7 to 6 by consolidating Units 02 and 05 to form one three-bed unit at ground floor (now referred to as Unit 01) - Addition of 2 no. Conservation roof lights to the rear extension of the Gate House - Replacement of consented slate roof covering with black zinc standing seam on the Gate House - Increase in the size of the Gate House lightwell

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (S.73 Vary/Remove Conds/Minor Alterations)
Approved (Major - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Variation Roof Residential Flat House Stable
