Planning Application Details

Southwark Council - 22/AP/3442

22/AP/3442 | Variation: Non-Material Changes

Sampson House 64 Hopton Street London Southwark SE1 9JH

Non material amendments to planning permission ref. 18/AP/1603 (Redevelopment to create two levels of basement and the erection of five buildings ranging from seven to 34 storeys plus plant (heights ranging from 28.9m AOD 123.9m AOD) to provide: 341 dwellings (Class C3); 8,054sqm (GIA) of office space (Class B1); 1,436sqm (GIA) of retail floorspace (Class A1-A4); 904sqm (GIA) of cultural floorspace (Class D1/D2); 16,254sqm (GIA) hotel with up to 126 rooms (Class C1); new open space; reconfigured vehicular and pedestrian access; highway works; landscaping; basement car park for 107 cars (including 29 disabled car parking spaces), plus servicing and plant areas; and works associated and ancillary to the proposed development). The proposed amendments include: Changes to core layout and internal reconfiguration of podium levels and upper levels; Increase in residential units from 61 to 70 with an amended unit mix; Increase in the number of hotel rooms from 126 to 153; Relocation of car lifts from Hopton Street to within Southwark Street service access and associated amendments to facade of Building 8/9; Amendments to the façade design and minor increase in total height of 85cm; Amendments to triggers of conditions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Variation: Non-Material Changes)
(Agreed - for App Types VLA & VNMC)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Office Shop
