Planning Application Details

Southwark Council - 22/AP/3734

22/AP/3734 | Works to a Tree in a Conservation Area

Great Brownings London Southwark

Tl - Leaning Elderberry 3m height to woodland boundary rear of no. 36. To coppice. Reason: to abate hazard and allow replacement native landscaping. T2 and T3 - Poor condition squirrel damaged Sycamore saplings Sm height boundary rear of no. 36 and overhanging path. To fell. Reason: to abate hazard and allow replacement native landscaping. Gl and G2, T4 - Leaning Elderberry, Holly and Privet to bank side of no. 37'. To coppice. Reason: to abate hazard and allow replacement native landscaping. TS - Squirrel damaged poor condition Norway Maple to side of no. 37. To crown lift. Crown reduce by up to 3m, remove dead wood. Reason: to abate nuisance.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to a Tree in a Conservation Area)
Approved (Tree Works/Conservation Area - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Landscaping Trees Boundary
