Planning Application Details

Southwark Council - 23/AP/0678

23/AP/0678 | Variation: Non-Material Changes

Bianca Warehouse 43 Glengall Road & 1 Bianca Road London SE15

Non-material amendment of planning permission 20/AP/0039: "Demolition of the existing building (43 Glengall Road) and erection of a single replacement building of up to 15 storeys (plus lower ground) together with new areas of public realm, replacement of commercial floorspace in the form of a Creative Commercial Centre including University related uses (comprised of light industrial Use Class E and part flexible Use Class E/F1) and ancillary cafe (Use Class E) on the lower and upper ground floors and Halls of Residence consisting of 676 student rooms (sui generis Use Class)". The non-material changes sought are: - Introduction and amendment of lobbies at lower ground floor associated with the fire escape stairs; - Reprofiling of the westernmost wall of the lower ground floor to avoid a clash with the steps above; - Addition of bird and bat boxes to the elevations; - Clarification of location of extract ventilation terminals serving the ensuite bedrooms; - Amendments to the fenestration and extents of windows on the uppermost storeys; and - Amendments to the wording of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) to capture all of the above.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Variation: Non-Material Changes)
(Agreed - for App Types VLA & VNMC)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Amendment Windows Industrial
