Planning Application Details

Southwark Council - 23/AP/2584

23/AP/2584 | Variation: Non-Material Changes

32 Love Walk London Southwark SE5 8AD

Non-material amendment to the wording of Condition 13 'Flat roofs' to planning permission ref no. 22/AP/3428 'Minor material amendment of planning permission 21/AP/3468 dated 12/01/2022 'Demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to provide 5 residential dwellings, together with associated landscaping, refuse, cycle and plant stores' for the following changes: - Alterations to the internal layout - Infill of south (rear) facing window at first floor - Increase in size of window on east elevation at second floor - Reduction in number of front rooflights from 4 to 3 - Replacement of rear skylight with a Velux rooflight - Additional window on east elevation at first floor'

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Variation: Non-Material Changes)
(Agreed - for App Types VLA & VNMC)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Demolition Amendment Dwelling Landscaping Windows Residential
