Planning Application Details

Southwark Council - 23/AP/3032

23/AP/3032 | Works to a Tree in a Conservation Area

95 Kennington Park Road London Southwark SE11 4JJ

REVISED SPECIFICATION: Back Garden T1: Large False Acacia: Reduce to previous reduction points, retaining form. T2: 4m fig tree (lhs of garden next to an unsteady and fragile boundary Victorian wall) Remove the stem on the rhs that's almost touching the wall down to ground level where it forms a union with the main stems Pollard the remaining three stems back to previous pollard points Ideally, work to the fig should be carried out in late winter when the tree is dormant 2 Front Garden Trees: T3: 9m katsura tree on rhs (directly in front of No. 97 Kennington Park Road and just to the right of the railings) 30% reduction Cut back the side branches to match in with the top Lift up the lower crown and thin out by 10% T4: 4.5m smoke bush (Cotinus sp) on lhs (directly in front of 95 Kennington Park Road and 1m to the left of the railings) Reduced previously to a height of 3m and with 1.5m of regrowth and acting as a screen Cut back to previous points (30% reduction) 5% crown thin

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to a Tree in a Conservation Area)
Approved (Tree Works/Conservation Area - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary
