Planning Application Details

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council - SMD/2020/0260

SMD/2020/0260 | Certificate of Lawfulness - Proposed

The Leasows, Town End Lane, Swinscoe, Staffordshire, DE6 2HS

Lawful development certificate for a proposed replacment of a dilapidated greenhouse, concrete base and area of hard standing with the erection of a lightweight steel storage building to house animal fee/land amintenance equipment. Building to consist a conrete base, open fronted with profiled metal roofing and timber cladding (Yorkshire boarding type) to the gables/rear elevation

Local Authority
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
Lawful Development Certificate (LDC) (Certificate of Lawfulness - Proposed)
Approved (Certificate of Lawfulness - Lawful (Approved))
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Roof Development House Lawful-Development
