Planning Application Details

Stroud District Council - S.20/2640/TCA

S.20/2640/TCA | Trees in a Conservation Area

Three Beeches Bussage Hill Bussage Stroud Gloucestershire GL6 8AY

T1 Beech - Crown raise to 5m over road. T2 Spruce - Fell. T3 & T4 Hawthorn - Fell. T5 Cotoneaster - Crown reduce by 3-4m all over to reshape & give finished height of 4m . T6 Hawthorn - Fell. T7 Cupressus - Fell. T8 Laurel - Reduce to 1m. T9 2x conifers - Fell. T10 4x leaning hawthorn stems on boundary - Fell. T11 Holly - Reduce to 2m. T12 Hawthorn - Reduce to 2m. T13 Field Maple - Crown reduce by 2-3m to increase light to house and improve crown shape. T14 6x Cupressus on boundary - Fell to increase light to house. T15 Cupressus - Fell to increase light to house

Local Authority
Stroud District Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Trees in a Conservation Area)
Approved (Consent)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary House
