Planning Application Details

Surrey Heath Borough Council - 22/0312/PCA

22/0312/PCA | Consultation Adjoining Authority

Proposed Farnborough Civic Quarter Development Site Meudon Avenue Farnborough Hampshire

Consultation from Rushmoor Borough Council in respect of an outline planning application (with scale, layout, appearance and landscaping reserved for future consideration) for a mixed-use development, including demolition of all existing structures and erection of up to 1,006 residential units [Use Class C3] and non-residential floorspace comprising of the following mix of uses: leisure centre [Use Class E], hotel [Use Class C1], office floorspace [Use Class E], retail, commercial, healthcare, entertainment floorspace [Use Class E/Sui Generis] and community floorspace (including new library) [Use Class F1/F2]. Construction of two transport mobility hubs, associated infrastructure and highway works. Creation of new publicly-accessible open spaces including replacement skate park and associated access, servicing, landscaping and works

Local Authority
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Other (Consultation Adjoining Authority)
Approved (No Objection)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Construction Development Landscaping Residential Office Shop
