Planning Application Details

Surrey Heath Borough Council - 23/1155/PCA

23/1155/PCA | Consultation Adjoining Authority

Former BHS 81 Commercial Way Woking Surrey GU21 6HR

Consultation application from Woking Borough Council for the demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site to create a residential-led development comprising up to 272 apartments (Use Class C3) and up to 550 sq.m. of retail and commercial floorspace (Use Class E) at ground level, shared residential amenity spaces, building management facilities, plant space, refuse and cycle stores, in a building which ranges in height from a single storey ground floor (with mezzanine in the central block) to a ground floor with a maximum of 25 storeys above. Works to create new public realm within and highway works to Church Path, Church Street East, Chobham Road and Commercial Way, including alterations to and provision of new parking, servicing and delivery bays (Environmental Statement submitted).

Local Authority
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Other (Consultation Adjoining Authority)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Demolition Development Residential Flat Shop
