Planning Application Details

Tendring District Council - 22/00567/TPO

22/00567/TPO | Tree Preservation Order

Land adjacent Hillside House On Corner of Church Lane and Clacton Road Weeley Essex CO16 9DN

1 No. Hazel - Crown contributes to dense foliage screen at low level close to neighbouring properties. Proposed work comprises re-coppicing to increase daylight to neighbouring property and garden. 1 No. Sycamore - Side branch originating at 2m NE, ascends and is competing for apical dominance with leader. If left, growth of the branch will result in significant widening of the crown. Proposed work comprises removal of side branch originating at 2m NE, and removal of 3 no. other branches as depicted in supporting photographs. 1 No. Lime - Previously cut back from overhanging boundary, but branches now in close proximity to neighbouring dwelling. Proposed work comprises felling lime T31, because its retention will require frequent re-pruning due to its proximity to neighbouring properties, associated shading and reduction in daylight, leaf-fall, and over-dominance. The works are in response to complaints received from neighbours.

Local Authority
Tendring District Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Tree Preservation Order)
Approved (Approval - Full)
Application Received
Application Validated
Dwelling Trees Boundary
