Planning Application Details

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council - 21/03078/FULL

21/03078/FULL | Full Application

Oaklands Tenterden Road Cranbrook Kent TN17 3PB

Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans) and 3 (External Materials) of Planning Permission 21/00434/FULL - External materials changed from render walls, timber windows and slate roof to brick external walls, pvc-U windows and tiled roof; an additional dormer to the front elevation; relocate the chimney to the rear to create a fire enclosed escape route; ground floor - split the large window on the left into two smaller windows, add windows either side of the front door, add an additional window into the utility space for energy reduction and adequate ventilation; change two smaller dormers to one larger dormer to the rear; small windows to the rear elevation replaced with bifold doors and a larger window; replace French doors with a window (to the right of the elevation) to allow kitchen units to be installed under

Local Authority
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
Full planning consent (Full Application)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Roof Windows Dormer
