Planning Application Details

Uttlesford District Council - UTT/23/2011/FUL

UTT/23/2011/FUL | Fully Detailed

Barns At Wills Ayley Farm New House Lane Ashdon Essex CB10 2LT

Application to vary condition 2 (drawings) attached to UTT/22/2469/FUL - revise position of garage structure to Barn 1, revise the layout and fenestration of the garage structure to Barn 1, update the fenestration and layout of Barn 2. (Original application UTT/20/1926/FUL, approved at appeal ref APP/C1570/W/20/3265543 - Proposed conversion of 2no. barns to three dwellings; part demolition and erection of extension to barn and erection of boundary walls).

Local Authority
Uttlesford District Council
Full planning consent (Fully Detailed)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Erection Demolition Conversion Dwelling Windows Garage Boundary
