Planning Application Details

Wakefield Council - 19/01238/S7301

19/01238/S7301 | Section 73 Application

Land At Trinity Farm Great North Road Knottingley WF11 0AB

Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission ref. 19/01238/FUL dated 21/02/2020 'Distribution warehouse building (B8) (maximum floorspace of 48,381sq.m) including associated access and landscaping' in order to make minor material amendments to the original planning consent by substituting revised plans, changes include: alterations to internal vehicle circulation and parking, alterations to boundary treatments, provision of smoking shelters, installation of gates and pedestrian barriers, provision of a gatehouse, provision of a pedestrian bridge link, provision of a fenced sprinkler compound and plant compound, provision of a fenced pallet store and amendments to the lighting scheme to increase the average external lighting intensity in the service yard from 30 Lux to 50 Lux

Local Authority
Wakefield Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Variation Boundary
