Planning Application Details

Wellingborough Borough Council - NW/23/00425/FUL

NW/23/00425/FUL | Full Planning Permission

2 - 26 Rixon Road Wellingborough NN8 4BB

Recladding of the existing workshops building B, C and H and existing office building G and E. Internal refurbishment of Main Office (building G) and addition of 2 modular units. Addition of a new canopy to the existing open walkway between building G and H. Refurbishment of vacant building E to create new offices. Formulation of a new car park adjacent to the workshop buildings C and A including associated drainage and external works. Resurfacing of the existing road and addition of pedestrian walkway connecting main office and the carpark. Installation of photovoltaic panels to the roof of building H.

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Full planning consent (Full Planning Permission)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Roof Office
