Planning Application Details

Woking Borough Council - AMEND/2020/0036

AMEND/2020/0036 | Minor Amendments

AB InBev House Church Street West Forge End Woking Surrey GU21 6HT

Non-Material Amendment to permission ref: PLAN/2019/0083 (Extension, refurbishment and remodelling of office building to provide additional office floorspace and associated amenities. Works to comprise erection of a 5x storey extension including a new entrance on corner of Church Street West / Victoria Way, installation of dormer windows, creation of additional office floorspace (Use Class B1a) within existing atrium, erection of extension at existing entrance area to form cafe/restaurant (Use Class A3), siting of plant equipment and plant screen at roof level, use of 4th floor as office floorspace and use of part of basement car park to provide office amenities including gym, cycle parking and changing facilities).

Local Authority
Woking Borough Council
Other (Minor Amendments)
Approved (Permitted)
Application Validated
Extension Erection Amendment Roof Windows Office Dormer Remodelling
