Planning Application Details

Wokingham Borough Council - 232270

232270 | Unknown

Millars Business Centre Fishponds Close Wokingham RG41 2TZ

Application to vary condition 20 of planning consent 210705 dated 01/12/2021 for the proposed erection of 2 no. industrial buildings (Use Class B2 and B8) comprising a total of 4 no. units together with associated infrastructure, parking and landscaping, following demolition of 2no. existing industrial buildings. Condition 20 relates to the permitted hours of use and the variation is to amend the wording of condition 20 to extend the hours of operation and when deliveries can be dispatched from 0700-1900 to 0700-2300.

Local Authority
Wokingham Borough Council
Other (Unknown)
Refused (Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Erection Variation Amendment Landscaping Industrial
