Planning Application Details

Wyre Council - 21/01330/RELMAJ

21/01330/RELMAJ | Largescale major reserved matters

Land At Arthurs Lane Hambleton Lancashire FY6 9AT

Reserved matters application (for matters relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 165 dwellings, landscaping and associated works following outline planning permission 16/00217/OULMAJ (pursuant to a variation of condition 01 (plans) on application 18/00395/RELMAJ to amend the layout to provide additional parking and garages to plots 7, 58, 115, 136/137, 141, 143/144, 149, 155, and 156 and 170.

Local Authority
Wyre Council
Reserved matters (Largescale major reserved matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Dwelling Landscaping
