Planning Application Details

York City Council - 19/00979/OUTM

19/00979/OUTM | Major Outline Application

Former Gas Works Heworth Green York YO31 7UG

Outline application with all matters reserved except for access, layout and scale, for the erection of a maximum of 607 residential apartments (use class C3), 130 sqm (GIA) retail or community use floorspace (flexible use incorporating use classes A1-A4/ D1), 2no. gas governor compounds, site remediation, associated access, car parking, amenity space and landscaping after demolition of existing pipework, structures and telephone mast.

Local Authority
York City Council
Outline planning consent (Major Outline Application)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Landscaping Residential Flat Shop
