Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

2022/02367/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

Former Dairy Crest Site Land Beneath And Bounded By Westway And West London Railway Line And Adjoining 58 Wood Lane London W12

Non-material amendment to Condition 4 (Approved Parameter Plans) of outline planning permission (ref: 2018/00267/OUT) dated 28 April 2021 for: 'Outline planning application for a mixed use development delivered as a phased masterplan comprising 7 development zones and accommodating up to 178,102 sqm of research & development, offices and other business uses (Use Class B1) in 6 - 13 storey buildings; up to 373 residential units (Use Class C3) in 18 - 32 storey buildings; a hotel up to 8 storeys and associated facilities (Use Class C1); community and/or leisure uses and retail, cafes, restaurants and bars (Use Classes D1 and/or D2, A1-5) together with access, bridge over the railway (Central Line), parking, servicing and landscaping; and the demolition of Stadium House'. Amendment sought to the following two parameter plans: (1). Change to the Proposed Site Levels plan ref: 1103_07_013 rev P3 to rev P4, so that both of the levels within Development Zone 3 are set at 09.00m (rather than one at 09.00m and one at 08.00m); and (2) Change to the Access and Circulation Routes plan - ref: 1103_07_014 rev P3 to rev P4, to show the continuation of the cycle route up the western boundary, for those wishing to carry on to the north campus and/or the cycle storage hub permitted under the Westway.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Demolition Amendment Development Landscaping Residential Office Shop Boundary
2021/01114/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

Emlyn Gardens Tenants Hall Emlyn Gardens London W12 9TH

Non-material amendment to planning permission reference: 2018/01070/VAR dated 29th June 2018 for the "Variation of condition 2 of planning permission Ref.2016/01450/FUL granted 26/03/2018 for the 'Erection of a part single, part four storey building to provide 14 residential dwellings and 13 car parking spaces following the demolition of the existing tenants hall and caretakers office, incorporating office space for the use of Yarrow Housing (Class B1a), a replacement community hall and function room (Class D1) and new external play area; single storey storage building and WC; associated cycle parking and refuse storage' to allow minor material amendments. Amendments include alterations to the site boundary, alterations to the footprint of the building and associated external alterations, and alterations to the internal layout of the community hall and external play area at the southern end of the site." Amendment sought is to change the trigger point of planning conditions 18 and 19 to 'Within 3 months of occupation'.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn (Applicant/Agent))
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Dwelling Residential Office Boundary