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Found 3 planning applications

23/02125/NMA | Non-material amendments

87A St John's Wood Terrace London NW8 6PY

Amendments to planning permission dated 27 March 2019 (RN: 17/02394/FULL) for alterations and extensions, including demolition and reconstruction of rear extensions, excavation of basement floor, removal of tree, alterations to front boundary wall, installation of mechanical plant, erection of cupola at roof level, use of part of garden to rear of No.8 Ordnance Hill, and internal works to all floor levels in connection with the use of the building as five residential apartments (2x3 bed, 2x2 bed, and 1x1 bed flats). Namely, the omission of swimming pool from lower ground floor, with space being used as a games room and living area, resulting in reduction in overall basement excavation; reduction in the amount of excavation towards the front of the building, meaning that the front wall of the chapel would no longer need to be underpinned; Alterations to the internal layout of accomodation, including omission of duplex flat layout with internal staircase and instead arranging the accommodation as self contained flats on each floor.

Local Authority
City of Westminster
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-material amendments)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Roof Residential Trees Flat Accommodation Boundary
23/00266/NMC | Non Material Change - Minor Amendment

24 Robson Road London Lambeth SE27 9LA

Application for a Non-Material Amendment following a grant of Planning Permission ref : 22/01275/VOC (Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission ref. 21/00850/FUL (Demolition of bungalow and erection of a 2 storey property (with roof accommodation) to accommodate 5 self contained flats and associated refuse/recycling and cycle storage and front boundary treatment.), granted on: 31/12/2021. Variations sought: - provision of external ramped access - alterations to communal access door - widening the communal hallway - changing the front door to Flat 24A to a 'false door' with obscure and clear glazing, with the provision of internal access from the communal hallway - relocation of bin/ cycle storage - alteration to garden layouts - relocation of internal staircase - alterations to layout of ground and first floor flats, including the loss of an en-suite at the second floor - alterations to the fenestration on the front and rear elevations - 1 additional rooflight to the front elevation - increase of depth and change of facing material to rear roof slope dormer) granted on 25.11.2022. Amendment sought : Erection of 6 photovoltaic panels on flat roof of 2 rear dormers.

Local Authority
Lambeth Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Change - Minor Amendment)
Approved (Grant Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Roof Windows Flat Bungalow Accommodation Dormer Boundary
20/03096/NMA | Non-material amendments

Development Site At Carrington Street Car Park, 51-53 Brick Street And 1-6 Yarmouth Place London

Amendments to planning permission dated 21 October 2019 (RN: 18/04163) for: Variation of Conditions 1, 8,and original condition 24 and removal of Condition 10 of planning permission dated 23 February 2018 (RN: 16/11248) for Demolition of existing buildings on site and redevelopment to provide up to 30 residential units (Class C3), office floorspace (Class B1), gymnasium (Class D2), retail art gallery (Class A1), restaurant (Class A3) and retail (Class A1) floorspace; creation of a new pedestrian link through the site between Yarmouth Place and Carrington Street; erection of buildings either side of the new pedestrian link between 4 and 8 storeys in height excavation to create additional basement accommodation provision of on site car parking, cycle parking and delivery bay on Yarmouth Place new landscaping including improvement works to Yarmouth Place associated alterations; NAMELY to amend the approved drawings to changes to the party wall with 100 Piccadilly and increase the number of car parking spaces by (additional 44 spaces) within the development, and to change the wording of Condition 8 to allow the demolition and construction phases of the COCP to be submitted separately, and to allow the demolition clauses to be included in the S106 agreement. Further alterations received to reduce the size of the basement levels at 01-04; reduction in the size of the art gallery and gym; parking entrance reconfigured; Yarmouth Place elevation amended. Namely, various reconfigurations of cores, residential layouts, car lifts and flats, the realignment of the boundary walls and replacement of Condition 38 (waste storage).

Local Authority
City of Westminster
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-material amendments)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Construction Development Landscaping Residential Flat Accommodation Office Shop Boundary