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Found 9 planning applications

23/06879/NMA | Non-material amendments

Dev Site At 19-35 Baker Street, 88-110 George Street, 69-71 Blandford Street And 30 Gloucester Place London

Amendments to planning permission dated 1st October 2021 (RN:20/06914/FULL) for Variation of conditions 1, 31 and 35 of planning permission dated 4 March 2020 (RN 19/06767/FULL) (amended by 20/05397/NMA) which permitted the following development : Demolition of the existing buildings at 19-35 Baker Street, 88-110 George Street, 69-71 Blandford Street and redevelopment to create a mixed use scheme providing commercial uses and up to 51 residential units within a new ground plus nine storey building (and an enclosed plant area) on Baker Street; a new stepped ground plus four to ground plus six storey building on George Street; refurbishment, extension and the change of use of the first floor from office to residential at 30 Gloucester Place; creation of a single storey basement level linking the Baker Street and George Street buildings to provide car and cycle parking, refuse and servicing; creation of a new central, publicly accessible courtyard; removal of 5 trees and replacement trees across the site, a new publicly accessible route at ground level connecting Baker Street and Gloucester Place; associated plant, landscaping, replacement pavements in part and other associated works. Namely, amendments to rooflights at Level 5 and 6 of the George Street residential building, and minor elevations alterations.

Local Authority
City of Westminster
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-material amendments)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Variation Development Landscaping Residential Trees Office
232164NMA | Non-Material Amendment

Acton Gardens Phase 6.2 Bollo Bridge Road Acton W3 8RQ

Application for a Non Material Amendment (s.96a), to allow design alterations to the Central Plaza open space pursuant to planning permission 160793RES 24.05.2016 and 160794VAR dated 09.12.2016 for 'for "Minor material amendment application for variation of conditions 3 (approved drawings), 18 (tree protection), 28 (Lifetime Homes), 31 (BREEAM), 36 (provision of Central Plaza in construction programme) and 42 (non-residential floorspace) of outline planning permission P/2012/0708 dated 13/08/2012 (as amended by P/2014/2142 and P/2014/6303) to facilitate minor changes to building heights, development zones, ground floor uses and floorspaces, phasing, public open space for Phase 6 and tree retention strategy for Phases 5 and 6 of the South Acton Estate regeneration masterplan for 'Outline planning application (reserving Appearance; Means of Access; Landscaping; Layout and Scale for later determination) for the continued regeneration of the South Acton Estate comprising of the demolition of buildings locations specified in the site address (including residential units, 521sqm of retail shops, 2,434sqm of community/ office facilities, hotel, garages and associated areas) and the erection of a maximum of 2,350 residential units, a maximum of 1,050sqm of flexible A1 (retail) / A3 (restaurant and cafe) / B1 (office) / D1 (community) uses, of which 600sqm is to be A1 (retail) use, a further 2,348sqm of D1 (community) / B1 (office) space (to include a minimum of 926sqm for provision of a community centre and youth club), energy centre, alterations to allotments, re-sited and enhanced open space and play facilities, landscaping, highway works and 1,128 car parking spaces' (original application was EIA Application)'

Local Authority
Ealing Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment)
Approved (Grant with Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Construction Development Landscaping Residential Trees Office Shop
2022/02111/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

104 King Street London W6 0QW

Non-material amendment to planning permission (ref: 2021/01039/VAR) dated 3 February 2022, for the development: 'Variation of Condition 2 (approved drawings) to allow minor material amendments to planning permission (ref: 2020/00646/FUL) dated 24 November 2020, for "The redevelopment of the site comprising the demolition and removal of the existing timber shed buildings, the retention of the existing office and former recording studio buildings and the development of part-basement, part-1, part-2, part-3 storey buildings, refurbishment of the office building and development of a first floor extension to the recording studio; to be used as office (Use Class B1), associated access works and cycle parking spaces'. In conjunction with minor external and internal alterations to the approved buildings, the amendments include: installation of new windows on south elevation and the reconfiguration of the plant enclosure at roof level (Block A), increase in parapet heights (infill elements) and reconfiguration to provide a brick clad boundary wall with the Cambridge Grove properties (Block B); and alterations to provide an enclosed bike store fronting Cambridge Grove (Building C).". Amendments sought relate to changes to the landscaping scheme (condition 27) by way of the addition of trees and landscaping.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Variation Amendment Roof Development Landscaping Windows Trees Office Boundary Shed
23/00612/NMC | Non Material Change - Minor Amendment

Tesco Stores, 275 Kennington Lane And 145-149 Vauxhall Street London SE11

Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission ref: 20/02203/VOC (Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans) and 70 (Quantum of Development) of planning permission 18/02597/EIAFUL (Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed-use development comprising the erection of 3 new buildings (Plot A,B,C) ranging from 4-17 storeys to provide residential (Class C3), a replacement Tesco store (Class A1), office (Class B1) and flexible commercial floorspace (Classes A1, A2, A3 or B1)) granted on 21.12.2018 as amended by 19/03649/NMC and 20/00786/NMC) granted on 30.03.2021. Amendment sought: Vary Condition 2 (Approved Drawings), namely for: alterations to glazed brickwork and window reveals on Block G, Removal of 17th-storey canopy on Block A, alteration to tree positions along Kennington Lane. Revised wording to Condition 16 (Obscured Glazing) to refer only to windows along Kennington Lane. Revised wording to Conditions 47 & 48 (Compliance with Energy Strategy Non-Residential and Residential respectively) from "Prior to Occupation" to "Within Three Months of Final Occupation trigger. Revised wording to Condition 70 (Commercial Floorspace) to facilitate a reduction in commercial space and increase in refuse storage of Block A, along Vauxhall Street. Written confirmation on when the Phase 2 Highway Works will be completed (S106 obligation).

Local Authority
Lambeth Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Change - Minor Amendment)
Approved (Grant Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Development Windows Residential Trees Office
22/05548/NMA | Non-material amendments

Dev Site At 19-35 Baker Street, 88-110 George Street, 69-71 Blandford Street And 30 Gloucester Place London

Amendments to planning permission dated 01 October 2021 (RN: 20/06914/FULL) for the: Variation of conditions 1, 31 and 35 of planning permission dated 4 March 2020 (RN 19/06767/FULL) (amended by 20/05397/NMA) which permitted the following development : Demolition of the existing buildings at 19-35 Baker Street, 88-110 George Street, 69-71 Blandford Street and redevelopment to create a mixed use scheme providing commercial uses and up to 51 residential units within a new ground plus nine storey building (and an enclosed plant area) on Baker Street; a new stepped ground plus four to ground plus six storey building on George Street; refurbishment, extension and the change of use of the first floor from office to residential at 30 Gloucester Place; creation of a single storey basement level linking the Baker Street and George Street buildings to provide car and cycle parking, refuse and servicing; creation of a new central, publicly accessible courtyard; removal of 5 trees and replacement trees across the site, a new publicly accessible route at ground level connecting Baker Street and Gloucester Place; associated plant, landscaping, replacement pavements in part and other associated works. NAMELY, to allow alterations to facade of 19- 35 Baker Street- Baker Street Office Building (Building C) at ground, first, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and roof level; amendments to 88-110 George Street, including 112 George Street (Building D) at lower ground floor, ground floor, first, fifth, sixth, seventh, eight and roof level; and changes to condition 42 to read : "You must apply to us for approval of a detailed external lighting strategy which includes details of all light fittings and lighting levels. You must not start any work on this part of the development until we have approved what you have sent us. You must then install all lighting in accordance with the approved external lighting strategy".

Local Authority
City of Westminster
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-material amendments)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Variation Roof Development Landscaping Residential Trees Office
22/00792/AMENDS | Non material amendments to plg consent

Cruet House Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2HH

Non material amendment to planning approval 20/01040/REM - Reserved matters application for the erection of 5 no. residential dwellings (appearance, layout, scale, landscaping considered) under permission 20/00869/DVCON: Variation of conditions 4 (parameters plan), 7 (access), 20 (trees) of Planning Permission 16/05517/OUT - Outline planning application for the development of 5 no. residential dwellings with access considered to allow the removal of external timber cladding to front elevation of unit 2; removal of timber cladding from front and rear elevation of unit 4; alteration of rear garage door to be black to match windows of units 2 and 4; rear garage door to be anthracite to match windows of units 1, 3 and 5; and alterations to canopy material to timber cladding to match the approved timber cladding on all 5 units.

Local Authority
Harrogate Borough Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non material amendments to plg consent)
Approved (Approve non mat amend no conds)
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Variation Amendment Development Dwelling Landscaping Windows Residential Trees Garage
215215NMA | App for Non-Material Amendments

Acton Gardens Central Plaza Phase 6 Acton W3 8DA

Application for a Non-Material Amendment in (S96a) seeking to amend the timing trigger of Condition 36, in relation to planning permission reference 160794VAR dated 09.12.2016 for 'Minor material amendment application for variation of conditions 3 (approved drawings), 18 (tree protection), 28 (Lifetime Homes), 31 (BREEAM), 36 (provision of Central Plaza in construction programme) and 42 (non-residential floorspace) of outline planning permission P/2012/0708 dated 13/08/2012 (as amended by P/2014/2142 and P/2014/6303) to facilitate minor changes to building heights, development zones, ground floor uses and floorspaces, phasing, public open space for Phase 6 and tree retention strategy for Phases 5 and 6 of the South Acton Estate regeneration masterplan for 'Outline planning application (reserving Appearance; Means of Access; Landscaping; Layout and Scale for later determination) for the continued regeneration of the South Acton Estate comprising of the demolition of buildings locations specified in the site address (including residential units, 521sqm of retail shops, 2,434sqm of community/ office facilities, hotel, garages and associated areas) and the erection of a maximum of 2,350 residential units, a maximum of 1,050sqm of flexible A1 (retail) / A3 (restaurant and cafe) / B1 (office) / D1 (community) uses, of which 600sqm is to be A1 (retail) use, a further 2,348sqm of D1 (community) / B1 (office) space (to include a minimum of 926sqm for provision of a community centre and youth club), energy centre, alterations to allotments, re-sited and enhanced open space and play facilities, landscaping, highway works and 1,128 car parking spaces' (original application was EIA Application).'

Local Authority
Ealing Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (App for Non-Material Amendments)
Approved (Approved)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Construction Development Landscaping Residential Trees Office Shop
20/03648/NMA | Non-material amendments

55-91 Knightsbridge, 18 Duplex Ride 1 - 7 William Street London SW1X 7QU

Amendments to planning permission dated 20 June 2016 (RN: 15/10444) for: Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission dated 8 December 2011 (RN10/01741/FULL) for development of 55-91 Knightsbridge (including retention of Knightsbridge and William Place facades) to provide retail (Class A1) at basement and ground floor levels, office ( Class B1) at part ground, first, and second floor levels and residential flats at part ground, part first,part 2nd and 3rd to 5th floor levels. Off street servicing and new sub basement car park. Removal and replacement of existing tree on William Street. Demolition of 1-2 William Street and its replacement with a redesigned building with internal linkages to 55-91 Knightsbridge. Restoration and repair of external facades and roofs to 3-7 William Street including reinstatement of original roof profile at 4 William Street, conversion of 1st to 3rd floor levels of 3 and 4 William Street for residential purposes ( Class C3). Namely, the substitution of new drawings to allow minor material amendments comprising a revised number and mix of residential units; the provision of a terrace for a residential unit on the western end of the building; erection of a lift shaft to the rear of 4 William Street; alterations to shopfront of Nos. 3 - 4 William Street; extension at 4th floor level to the rear of Knightsbridge; and reconfiguration of the fenestration. Namely, amendment to the external air vent at 4 William Street.

Local Authority
City of Westminster
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-material amendments)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Roof Conversion Development Windows Residential Trees Flat Office Shop
20/03485/NMA | Non-material amendments

12 Sherwood Street London W1F 7BR

Amendments to planning permission dated 1 September 2014 (RN: 14/02566/FULL) for: Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission dated 04.09.13 (RN: 12/12041) for external alterations and extensions including rebuilding of existing 7th and 8th floor levels, installation of photo-voltaic cells, green roof & plant at roof level, alterations to street facades and rebuilding of rear facades (with new balconies on Smith Court and Piccadilly Theatre frontages, and roof terraces at eight floor level on all frontages), provision of 38 dwellings at 4th-8th floors, with new residential entrance to Sherwood Street, use of second and third floor as offices (Class B1), reconfiguration of existing uses at basement, ground and first floor levels at 12/13 Sherwood Street and 63-75 Brewer Street to provide 2 No. retail (Class A1) units and altered health club (Class D2) layout with new health club entrance on Brewer Street - to allow minor amendments to the approved scheme including: changes to the steel window design on the street facing facades; alterations to the aluminium window design on the rear facades; installation of ventilation grilles in the windows at 3rd-7th floor levels on the Sherwood Street and Brewer Street elevations; alterations to the flank/party wall on Brewer Street; changes to the roof layout and massing; AND removal of Condition 3(2) (requiring detailed drawings of new windows): NAMELY, to amend energy and sustainability strategies to facilitate the removal of a trigeneration system forming part of the central plant within The Crown Estate's Quadrant development and amend the wording of condition 20 accordingly.

Local Authority
City of Westminster
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-material amendments)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Variation Amendment Roof Development Dwelling Windows Residential Trees Office Shop