City of London Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

23/00050/SCOP | Scoping/Screening Opinion

London Wall West, Bastion House And Museum of London, 140-150 London Wall, EC2

The City of London Corporation has received a request for an EIA Scoping Opinion under regulation 15 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 for the redevelopment of a site including the Museum of London Rotunda and Bastion House, 140 - 150 London Wall. The proposed development comprises demolition of the existing buildings and erection of three new buildings for office, culture, community and retail uses; formation of new basement areas; reconfiguration of the existing gyratory; reconfiguration of the access/egress arrangements for London Wall Car Park; removal of existing areas of the highwalk and formation of new areas of highwalk and the provision of new public realm and landscaping (ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RECEIVED).

Local Authority
City of London
Other (Scoping/Screening Opinion)
Approved (Approved)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Development Landscaping Office Shop House
23/00369/OBS | Observations from other Boroughs

Convoys Wharf Prince Street London SE8 3JH

Consultation by the London Borough of Lewisham on an application for the approval of reserved matters for P01 comprising the construction of development plots of ground + 12 storeys in height, provision of 247 homes, 98 sqm (GEA) of retail use (Class A), 622 sqm (GEA) of community/non-residential institutions and assembly & leisure uses (Class D), parking, landscaping and associated works pursuant to condition 20 of Outline Planning Permission reference number DC/13/83358 for the comprehensive redevelopment of Convoys Wharf, Prince Street, London, SE8 3JH (LBL ref. DC/23/130727)

Local Authority
City of London
Other (Observations from other Boroughs)
Approved (No Objections to OBS)
Application Received
Application Validated
Construction Development Landscaping Residential Shop