Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils Planning Applications

Found 14 planning applications

22/505646/OUT | Outline Application

Land At Ufton Court Farm Tunstall Kent

Outline application with access being sought for the erection of up to 290no. dwellings, the formation of a new means of access onto Minterne Avenue, new footpaths and cycle routes, the creation of new surface water drainage, new landscaping and habitat creation, ground works and other infrastructure.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping
20/501426/OUT | Outline Application

Land Rear Of Police Headquarters Sutton Road Maidstone Kent

Outline Application with access matters sought for residential development of up to 112 dwellings and 20 space car park for neighbouring sports pitches including demolition of 2 existing police dwellings in Weald Close. (Matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale are reserved for future consideration.)

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Demolition Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential
20/500015/OUT | Outline Application

Land At Abbeyfields Faversham Kent ME13 8HS

Outline application for the development of up to 180 dwellings with associated infrastructure including internal access roads, footpaths, cycleways, parking, open space and landscaping, drainage, utilities and service infrastructure works (All matters reserved except Access).

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Development Dwelling Landscaping
21/505041/OUT | Outline Application

Land North Of Lower Road Eastchurch Kent

Outline application for the development of up to 63 dwellings and all necessary supporting infrastructure including internal access roads, footpaths and parking, open space and landscaping, drainage, utilities and service infrastructure works. (Access to Lower Road being sought, all other matters for future consideration)

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Development Dwelling Landscaping
22/500275/OUT | Outline Application

Land South Of London Road Newington Kent

Outline planning application for up to 135 dwellings with the retention of existing farm buildings, new public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point (Access being Sought).

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Dwelling Agricultural Landscaping
21/502609/OUT | Outline Application

Land To The East Of Lynsted Lane Lynsted Kent ME9 9QN

Outline application for the erection of up to 10no. residential dwellings with associated landscaping, road layout and parking. (Access being sought).

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping Residential
22/501002/OUT | Outline Application

Land At Firswood Lodge And Jays View Ashford Road Harrietsham Kent ME17 1BL

Outline application (with all matters reserved except for access) for the demolition of existing residential properties and other buildings and erection of up to 109 residential dwellings including affordable housing with the provision of vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access onto Ashford Road (A20) alongside public open spaces, sustainable drainage systems, landscaping, infrastructure and earthworks.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Dwelling Landscaping Residential
21/501839/OUT | Outline Application

Land Off Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch Kent

Outline application for up to 74no. dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point. (All matters reserved except for means of access).

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Dwelling Landscaping
18/504836/EIOUT | EIA Outline Application

Binbury Park Bimbury Lane Detling Maidstone Kent

Outline application (with all matters reserved apart from access) for the erection of up to 1,725 dwellings including affordable housing, 46,000 sq.m of commercial space, a hotel, a local centre, a new primary school, a park and ride facility, strategic highways improvements including new Kent Showground access/egress, accesses/roads including a new bridleway bridge, parking, associated open space, landscaping, services, and Sustainable Drainage Systems. In addition the proposals include a publicly-accessible country park including the Binbury Motte and Bailey Castle Scheduled Ancient Monument.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (EIA Outline Application)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping
20/506107/OUT | Outline Application

Read's Orchard Parsonage Chase Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3JX

Outline application for the erection of 9no. dwellings, formation of access road with associated parking, landscaping and provision of Orchard (Access only being sought).

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping