Lambeth Council Planning Applications

Found 1 planning applications

21/03217/VOC | Variation of Condition

Gasholder Station Kennington Oval London LONDON SE11 5SG

Variation of conditions 2 (approved drawings), 17 (cycles), 74 (parking) and 75 (quantum of development) of Planning Permission ref: 20/00987/VOC as amended by ref: 21/01673/NMC, 21/03922/NMC, 21/03055/NMC 22/00420/NMC (Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved drawings), 26 (Method Statement), 27 (Footings), 28 (Iron Work), 29 (Colour Scheme), 30 (c) (Archaeological) and 31(c) (Building recording) of Planning Permission ref : 17/05772/EIAFUL as amended by S96A ref: 20/00646/NMC (Demolition of existing buildings and structures including temporary disassembly of listed gas holder no.1, demolition of locally-listed gas holders 4 and 5, redevelopment to provide a mixed-use development comprising re-erection of restored gas-holder no.1, erection of new buildings ranging from 4-18 storeys to provide residential (Class C3), office (Class B1) incorporating ancillary cafe and space for community use, waste management use and community space (Class D1)) granted on 23/08/2018.) Granted on 17/07/2020. The development originally consented under ref: 17/05772/EIAFUL is a departure from Policy ED1 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015). Variations sought: - Partial swap of commercial and residential floorspace between Block B and E allowing 14 additional residential units - Façade alterations, lowering of podium from first to ground floor, internal reconfiguration and an additional storey to Block B - Façade alterations, ground floor extension and creation of first floor podium, internal reconfiguration (including new access to Block F at first floor) to Block E - Amendment to basement layout and use

Local Authority
Lambeth Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of Condition)
Approved (Grant Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Development Residential Office