Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

The Old Grain Store 34C Gabriels Hill Maidstone Kent ME15 6JJ

Section 73 - Application for variation of condition 18 (car and cycle parking) pursuant to 21/502579/FULL for - Erection of a 6 storey residential building consisting of 25no flats with 6 car parking spaces, 3 electric car charging points, perimeter landscaping and to maintain a vehicular right of way to the rear of adjoining premises as preceded by demolition of a 2 storey structure Formerly a Night Club.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Full planning consent (Full)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Landscaping Residential Flat
20/505978/P20ZA | Prior Notification Part 20 Class ZA

Unit 1 And 2 The Homestead Gravelly Bottom Road Kingswood Kent ME17 3NU

Prior Notification for the demolition of existing light industrial/commercial building and erection of a three storey block of 24no. flats, and the operations proposed under paragraph ZA(3) (a) to (j) (see Agents emailed dated 06.01.2021). For it's prior approval to: Transport and highways impacts of the development - Contamination risks in relation to the new building - Flooding risks in relation to the new building - The design of the new building - The external appearance of the new building - The provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of each new dwellinghouse in or comprising the new building - The impact of the development on the amenity of the new building and of neighbouring premises, including overlooking, privacy and light - Impacts of noise from any commercial premises on the intended occupiers of the new dwellinghouses - The impact on business and new residents of the developments introduction of, or increase in residential use in the area in which the development is to take place -The impact of the development on heritage and archaeology - The method of demolition of the old building - The plans for landscaping of the development, including the planting and maintenance of shrubs and trees, and any - Air traffic and defence asset impacts of the development.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Prior approval (Prior Notification Part 20 Class ZA)
Refused (Prior Approval Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Trees Flat Industrial Prior-Notification