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Found 4 planning applications

21/00257/OUT | Outline Application

Site North West Of Hill Crest Mill Hill Little Downham Cambridgeshire

Outline application with all matters reserved, except access, appearance, layout and scale for the provision of a new storage building. Provision of a new vehicular access and rebuild of single storey shed to form office.

Local Authority
East Cambridgeshire District Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Office Shed
19/03867/P | Outline Planning

Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD

Phased development of the following: site wide remediation, including demolition; (Plot 1) outline planning permission with all matters reserved aside from access for up to 23,543m2 GIA of floor space to include offices (B1a), research and development (B1b), non-residential institution (D1) and up to 350m2 GIA floor space for cafe (A3); (Plots 2 and 3) erection of buildings (full details) to provide 371 dwelling houses (C3), offices (B1a), restaurants and cafes (A3); (Plot 4), redevelopment of 'Erecting Sheds 1A and 1B' (full details) to provide offices (B1a); (Plot 5) erection of buildings and redevelopment of 'The Boiler Shop' (full details) to provide a 1,600 pupil secondary school (D1); (Plot 6) erection of buildings (full details) to provide 693 student bed spaces (Sui generis); infrastructure, including a new canal side walkway and associated works.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning)
(Refer to the Secretary of State)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Development Dwelling Residential Office Shed
2021/01039/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

104 King Street London W6 0QW

Variation of Condition 2 (approved drawings) to allow minor material amendments to planning permission (ref: 2020/00646/FUL) dated 24 November 2020 for "The redevelopment of the site comprising the demolition and removal of the existing timber shed buildings, the retention of the existing office and former recording studio buildings and the development of part-basement, part-1, part-2, part-3 storey buildings, refurbishment of the office building and development of a first floor extension to the recording studio; to be used as office (Use Class B1), associated access works and cycle parking spaces". In conjunction with minor external and internal alterations to the approved buildings, the amendments include: installation of new windows on south elevation and the reconfiguration of the plant enclosure at roof level (Block A), increase in parapet heights (infill elements) and reconfiguration to provide a brick clad boundary wall with the Cambridge Grove properties (Block B); and alterations to provide an enclosed bike store fronting Cambridge Grove (Building C).

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Variation Roof Development Windows Office Boundary Shed
20/01433/MAO | Major Outline

Richardson Milling UK Ltd Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9TB

Outline Application with Appearance and Landscaping reserved, for demolition of the existing BT office and sheds, car wash and car sales building with garage, warehouse unit with associated office, offices adjacent to the Mill building, canopied area and energy centre area. Erection of new B1,B2/B8 Unit with associated offices, erection of five silos, kiln tower, process tower, outdoor and enclosed pallet storage area along with car parking provision, service yard area and all ancillary works.

Local Authority
Bedford Borough Council
Outline planning consent (Major Outline)
Approved (Grant Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Landscaping Office Garage Shed