Barnet London Borough Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

22/3419/S73 | Vary/Remove condition/Minor Mtl Amnd

12 - 18 High Road London N2 9PJ

Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) of planning permission reference 18/5822/FUL dated 17/06/2020 for 'Demolition of existing buildings and construction of two 4-storey buildings (plus basement) providing 24no self-contained flats and (Class B1a) office space with associated refuse and recycling storage, cycle storage, 2no off-street parking spaces and amenity space.' Variation to include correction to the line of the boundary wall and introduction of 2no. angled windows on the 1st floor central section of the eastern elevation and corrections to the neighbouring buildings to the north and east of the site

Local Authority
Barnet London Borough
Other (Vary/Remove condition/Minor Mtl Amnd)
Refused (Refuse)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Variation Construction Windows Flat Office Boundary
20/5113/PNO | Prior Notification (Office to Res)

28 Oakleigh Road South London N11 1NH

Change of use from Class B1 (office) to Class C3 (Residential) to form a 1 bedroom flat. New rooflights, side window and boundary wall and railings.

Local Authority
Barnet London Borough
Prior approval (Prior Notification (Office to Res))
Refused (Prior Approval Required and Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Windows Residential Office Boundary