Barnet London Borough Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

21/4727/S73 | Vary/Remove condition/Minor Mtl Amnd

18 Hendon Avenue London N3 1UE

Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) of planning permission 19/6319/FUL, dated 26/02/2021 for `Conversion of existing 3no. flats into 1no. single family dwelling house including partial demolition of the existing building and demolition of two existing garages, construction of a new basement level with plant areas, part single, part two storey side and rear extensions with associated alterations and extension to roof with 2no. rear dormer windows, replacement of windows including new bay windows to front elevation. New boundary fence and walls with additional vehicular access`. Variation to include additional demolition to the front section of the existing roof and rebuilding of the chimney stacks.

Local Authority
Barnet London Borough
Other (Vary/Remove condition/Minor Mtl Amnd)
Approved (Approve subject to conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Variation Construction Roof Dwelling Windows Flat Dormer Fence Boundary House
19/3081/S73 | Vary/Remove condition/Minor Mtl Amnd

Carmelite Friars 63 East End Road London N2 0SE

Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) of planning permission 18/4221/FUL dated 16/05/19 for 'Demolition of 2no two-storey building wings of an existing grade II listed building. Erection of 1no two-storey and 1no single storey extensions (replacement wings) to side elevations of the existing building following removal of existing first floor extension to North elevation to provide conversion of existing listed building (and new wings). Including 5 no single family dwellinghouses and 2 no self-contained flats. Erection of a two-storey block comprising of 7no single family dwellinghouses to the West of existing grade II listed building. Erection of 1no single storey family dwellinghouse to North East of existing grade II listed building. Associated alterations to fenestration Associated alterations to hard and soft landscaping. Provision of amenity space, car parking, cycle storage and refuse and recycling storage. Reduction of rear boundary wall to a height of 1.3m.' Variation to include sub-division of house number 7 to create 2no two bed houses and conversion of flats 1 and 2 to create 1no. three bed house. Associated changes to access areas and refuse storage areas

Local Authority
Barnet London Borough
Other (Vary/Remove condition/Minor Mtl Amnd)
Approved (Approve following legal agreement)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Conversion Dwelling Landscaping Windows Flat Boundary House