Bedford Borough Council Planning Applications

Found 1 planning applications

23/02016/S73 | Variation of Condition

Fairview 7 Cleat Hill Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 8AL

Demolition of existing garage outbuilding and workshop in rear garden for relocation to west boundary. Erection of new dwelling/bungalow with new cycle store to existing dwelling at No. 7, including variation of approved plans condition 2 attached to 22/01845/FUL (Appeal Decision: APP/K0235/W/22/3311978) to allow for repositioning of dwelling, widening of East wing, changes to driveway layout, handing of detached garage, changes to garage doors and the addition of a window.

Local Authority
Bedford Borough Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of Condition)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Dwelling Windows Bungalow Garage Boundary