Braintree District Council Planning Applications

Found 1 planning applications

21/03169/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Car Park Manor Street Braintree Essex

Non-Material Amendment to permission 21/01057/VAR granted 06.05.2021 for: Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) of Section 73 permission 20/00787/VAR granted 26/01/2021, originally condition 2 of consent 18/01337/FUL granted 04/04/2019 for: Demolition of existing toilet block and adjacent vacant building to provide for the development of 31no. residential units (C3 Use), comprising 2 blocks (located to the east and west) up to 4 storeys in height containing a mix of one, two and three bedroom apartments; and the conversion and extension of the existing drill hall building (4no. units), containing a mix of one and two bedroom apartments (C3 Use). Provision of a Live Well Hub (D1 Use) at first floor level, Hotel (C1 Use) within the southern block to a height of 5 storeys and 3no. ground floor level units including retail (A1 / A2 / A3 Uses) and commercial uses (B1 and D1 Uses). Replacement bus station facility, car parking, amenity space, public open space, landscaping and associated works. Variation would allow relocation of the garden area to create a more events-friendly space. Amendment would allow for: - Bus shelters orientated through 180 degrees to enable passengers to see bus approaching and better allow movement of people. - Installation of frames and real-time screens to each bus shelter for presentation of timetable information, along with real-time screen to North of bus park, to ensure up-to-date information is provided. - Installation of photo-tiled wall facing the Café, to enhance historical value of the town. - Installation of sign-post for users of Town Hall Plaza, to enhance legibility in this part of the development.

Local Authority
Braintree District Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Application GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Demolition Variation Amendment Conversion Development Landscaping Residential Flat Shop